here today i will be talking about Four Modes of searching for channels
- Manual Scan/Search
- Auto Scan/Search
- Blind Scan/Search
- PID SCan.
As the name implies manual, it simply means that you will need to do the search manually on your own.. this in satellite term means you need to input the frequency, symbol rate and the polarization of the channel you want to scan. and you can simply search a particular frequency alone without affecting others and its faster. If you are have 10 frequencies with signal on a particular satellite you can not search for all at the same time you can only search them one after the other when you are using this mode to scan for channels.Mode2: AUTO SCAN:
auto scan simply means that you will be able to do the search of different frequency at a time. now spot the difference with manual scan.. in manual scan you can only search one TP each but with auto scan you combine all frequency as one and search at same time. When yo do an auto scan you are relieving your self the job of navigating to one frequency at a time to search, you simply click on auto scan and it performs the task of searching and sorting for channels on all the frequency on the satellite, provided that the frequency is already saved on the satellite.MODE3: BLIND SCAN:
This is one of the best scan you can ever think of, this is the most easiest of all in the sense that you don't need to input the frequency like that of auto and manual scan.. a blind scan does the job for you, it searches both the frequencies and channels all together. doing the manual, auto and blind all together.MODE4: PID SCAN:
This is one of the most unpopular scans.. mostly in strong decoders. What is PID scan..PID is a package identifier (or PID) that tells the receiver what to do with the packet this is more complicated than manual scan and the rest, here you input the satellite,the frequency, the symbol rate, the polarization, the Video-PID, Audio-PID and Pcr-PID.- Video-PID = PID for Video stream
- Audio-PID= PID for Audio Stream
- PCR-PID= PID for PCR Stream(Program clock reference) is used to synchronize the video and audio packets, however, most of the time, this data is embedded into the video stream.
Normally when you press the info button you remote control on a particular channel you get the vpid, apid and ppid value or you can get it directly from
we have seen all the modes at which we can scan our decoders both the easiest and the most complicated of all.- Using manual scan is a situation where by you want to search a particular frequency you know of so you just go direct and search instead of wasting time using auto scan.
- Using auto scan is a situation whereby you don't know the particular frequency you want to sort a channel fore so you use auto scan to search all frequency available on the sat in you decoder for the channel and you can as well use it to know the latest channels that are been added base on the frequency you have on the satellite list.
- Using Blind scan is very short and simple its a situation whereby you don't know the particular frequency or you don't have the frequency for a particular sat and you are sure the channel is there, all you need do is to blind scan to bring out both frequencies and channels that were in your decoder and those that are not. its very handy in searching for latest additions in a particular sat.
- Using The pid scan is simply trying to sort for a particular channel only/.. when you input the vpid, apid, and ppid when you sort even if there are 100 channels on a frequency it will only bring out the channel you imputed the pid for.
How to Locate these modes of scans differs in decoders and manufacturers so i wont go in to any of that you should use your decoder manual to know how to locate it or you do that on your own try locate it on your own if for any reason you have tried locating these scan modes you can drop your decoder type on the comment box to get a clue/guide.
Different Modes of Searching for channels on Your Decoder.
Reviewed by OLISEYENUM
March 02, 2016
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