PowerVU for Strong SRT 4950 Series..Download Patch software

For Strong 4950 users you can now enjoy your strong decoder with this update Patch. this version of software works for strong SRT 4950 and it has a powervu function tested on SRT4950H, SRT4950E,

Software Version: V3.39P_27112015_POWERVU
New Software Modulation: SRT4950H V3.39P 27112015.

1. Download to your usb virus free flash

2. insert it to your Decoder

3. Locate USB function

4. Goto Data Transfer and select the software you downloaded and press Ok for it to load.. if successfully loaded you will get a message and if other wise you will get the message status.

You can as well read here for strong 4922 series CLICK HERE

To get Updated power keys kindly  CLICK HERE

To know more about power Vu and how it works CLICK HERE

To Get this Patch Software Simply Click On the Download Button Below

To INput the power VU: simply Go to the channel you want to decypt and dial F1 8180  or you go through menu and navigate to patches.  Locate power VU and add the key and frequency of the channels associated.


PowerVU for Strong SRT 4950 Series..Download Patch software PowerVU for Strong SRT 4950 Series..Download Patch software Reviewed by OLISEYENUM on February 04, 2016 Rating: 5

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